Thursday, December 18, 2014

Makeup brushes

Alright, so every time I wash my make-up brushes my husband kind of laughs and doesn't get why I do it. The only reason I could ever give him was because I thought it was gross not too, it's like never washing the makeup off your face and it just gets built up. He still thought it was silly I cleaned them and told me he had never seen or heard of girls cleaning their makeup brushes... Then I got to thinking, how many people actually don't clean them?... So I did research to find out better reasons to clean makeup brushes and decided to share more disgusting facts.
So I was right with the make up getting built up. BUT, not only does it get built up with makeup, it gets your old skin, dirt, oils, and bacteria. If that's not enough to get you clean your brushes.. I guess I could convince you to do it because it puts your makeup on smoother. 


1. Run your brush under lukewarm water.
Try not to get water in the metal claspe. It can make the glue holding the bristles go away and bristle will start falling out. 

2. Get your soap
You can use mild shampoo or soap (baby wash works great)
Use a quarter sized amount and start swirling your brush in the palm of your hand. 
You'll be surprised all the makeup that will come out.

 3. Rinse
Gently massage the bristles under the water until the soap is completely out.  

4. Dry
Again very gently squeeze remaining water out.
Shape it, make sure none of the bristles are bent.
Lay out to dry

5. After drying
After it's been drying for a bit, swirl it in your palm again and fluf the brush. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Loving You

Women... We are so hard on ourselves. It's a horrible habit we all have. And if we like how we are, we normally would be considered stuck up, snob, or "she thinks she's better than us." 
I don't get it. Why is it so wrong to love who you are?! Yes I think no matter what there will be things we wish we could change. But why can't the things we like about ourselves out rule those?... 
I think that it is perfectly ok to love how you look. In fact, I love this selfie generation because you are taking pictures of yourself feeling pretty. What's wrong with that? 
I know that sometimes it is very hard to not compare yourself to the girl next to you and wish you had what they have, I'm definitely guilty of that. But, at a young age I wanted to be happy, no matter what. So I started training myself to think of the good whenever I acknowledge something I don't like. And it has helped me to always love the way I look at that time. And I have had many not pretty stages in my awkward growing years. 
I find myself wishing I had someones style. Someone's legs, hair, boobs, smile, eyebrows, house decorating skills, the list goes on. I'm sure everyone does the same. And a lot of people find ways to put those people down to try and build themselves up. That's another thing that makes it shameful to love yourself. People really hate you for doing that. 
It's always bothered me hearing people hate on themselves so much. Do you not see the good? I hate that any person showing their love for themselves gets put down. There's so much I could say on this matter, but I find when I get passionate about something I start to babble and things start getting confusing.  I'm not the best with words. I think every person in some way is beautiful, I just wish they all could see it. So to wrap it all up. Love yourself.. PLEASE! 
(I would love to hear all the things you love about yourself in the comments😍)

Things I love about myself
 ~I really care for people.
 ~I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt before I judge or get angry.
 ~I'm good at make up.
 ~I love my eyes.
 ~I'm talented with stitching or crocheting.
 ~I have a high motabalism (got to love it before it's gone😉)
 ~healthy hair the stands the test of time.
 ~I'm a good mom.
 ~I love that I can eat anything.
 ~I'm confident 
 ~I love that I love being a house wife. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

A little Advise

So I know a few people that got married recently, so I decided to do an advise blog. I also see a lot of people already having divorces. I don't know what happens, but I feel like this world is just very ok with giving up and taking the easy road. I don't know if anyone has realized.. Life, it isn't easy. So we need to learn to handle situations and not run. Now let me make it clear that I am NOT an expert in this category.  But I feel as if mine and Jordan's relationship has been bumpy and our personalties clash and we have really learned how to handle things. So without further ado... Some advise.

 Learning their Love
Now everyone has thier own way of showing love and their own way of wanting love to be shown. Figuring out how your hubs/wifey likes to be shown love can sometimes be a difficult road, especially when you just want to do what you think the best way to show love is.
Here is a link to a test you can take to find out what kind of love language you are. So with all of this, as hard as it might be to remember your hubs/wifey might not feel very loved by the way you are showing them. I have found that if you try to show them you love them how they would like to be shown. More smiles come with. 
 Thank you
Along with showing their kind of love. No matter what they do to show you they love you, say thank you! Even if it's not the way you like to be shown love. Having gratitude towards each other helps build a steadier stronger relationship. 
 Talk! Talk! TALK!!
Not only talk about your day. Talk about how you are feeling. Tell your hubs/wifey things that are bugging you. Tell then your love language. Tell them you would like help with things. Just talk!! 
    1. Never mention a divorce 
        If it's never brought up, it's never eating away at your insides.
    2. Never run to your parents!!
        Your parents don't love this person like you do, therefor making it hard for them to forgive them for anything. Parents also only think about you in a situation and in most cases will make matters worse. -if you need to vent, go to anyone but your parents- 
    3. Never undermine them
         Making them feel stupid in front of others. Slowly shattering their self confidence will bring a wedge and sense of not being loved to a relationship. 
(section is red because I think these are big huge giant NO NO's.)
 Be by my side
Relationships get rough. And people are not perfect! And there will be a point one of you will struggle. Wether it be depression, sickness, addiction, fights.... The best way for your loved one is for you to be there by their side helping them through it all. In most cases, they aren't happy with themselves, they don't need you being not happy with them as well. They need someone to help them walk through the storm. And they will turn around and help you when it's your turn. 
 Keeping Christ the center
It's pretty easy to figure out what has happened when things start getting bumpy and it seems as if yelling is the only form of communication either of us know. We have gotten lazy and put worldly worries first. As simple as it sounds, is as simple as it is. Keeping Christ the center of the home keeps the home happy and at peace.

Like I said, I am not perfect at these. I am always working on them. And as life grows older and we change. So will the challenges and we will have to relearn how to handle situations. It is a never ending process. But if you both continuously try, things will become easier. You will learn how this person thinks, acts, and understand their emotions and soon both of you will fall into harmony and things will be figured out a lot faster, maybe not a lot nicer.  No one ever told you marriage would be easy when you where jumping into it (and if they did, they are living a lie) It is two completely different people, living different lives, coming together and trying to figure out how they should live a life together.