Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Catching Up

A lot has happened sense November, so I'll do a quick catching up to bring you up to date.

  • So we headed to Salt Lake in December and moved in with Jordan's grandparents. They were so nice to us and took care of us a lot more than they needed.
  • Shortly after we found an apartment in Sandy and we are still there. We love our ward we are in right now, such great people. 
  • This was our first time living on our own since we have been married and we were ecstatic. But you better believe we had the full on force of the "first years the hardest" in just a couple of months. But the great thing about being in love, is that none of the matters. As soon as we got our differences figured we have forgotten all about those months. And now we can say we think we have a pretty great life right now! 
  • On May 11 we celebrated our first year together. Its crazy how fast time has gone, yet we look back and realize everything we've done and accomplished and think, yup it has been a year. Crazy!
  • We were wanting to move back to Vernal at the end of this month, but things... or people have done everything in there power to make sure we stay here. And now we are. We miss Vernal so much and can't wait for the day we get to move back to our beautiful town. But we need to be here in the city. We don't know why yet... But why ask questions, just trust and follow.

So now you are caught up. There are some very fun and excited things happening here in the very near future... I'll be better at updates :)