Tonight I was laying down watching my little boy play, while he brutally kicks my stomach (and I thought it hurt when I was pregnant)

and I realized how truly amazing this little spirit is. And it's pretty special the family I get to be with forever. FOREVER! Pretty crazy when you really think about it. How cool is it that god wanted us to be here participating in his plan. It's pretty special when you realize that your doing the right thing by raising such a perfect little spirit to be strong in this world. I know lots of people are scared to have kids in this crazy corrupt world or they want to live there own life before they get the problem of dragging around a child. But that's not what god intended. And if you don't think you will do a good job at raising a strong child to handle this world, and you find that you are pregnant.. Must mean someone has faith that you can do it, so don't be rude. Just have faith in yourself as well.. And for those who can't have children, it doesn't mean your not trusted. It might just mean your even more trusted to raise someone else's child and give them a better life..
I love my eternal family. I would not have it any other way.
Just my feelings for the night.